The loss of the tooth (teeth) and it's bone of support lead to the creation of crestal defects or a situation of maxillary atrophy. With the disappearance of teeth and roots, the blood flow to the bone is lost, and consequently the bone itself. Bone regeneration is often necessary before any further therapy.
Bone regeneration is an oral surgery procedure that is performed to stimulate the growth of new bone and it involves placing bone grafting material where the new bone structure will form.
Bone regeneration surgery is necessary when:
- the missing tooth needs to be replaced after the extraction;
- after a trauma;
- before the removal of the cysts that caused the bone loss;
- If the patient has osteoporosis.
WARNING: patients shouldn't wait too long after the tooth extraction for the implant insertion. In the absence of tooth roots, the bone tissue becomes thin and with time it shrinks completely.