Dental bridges

A dental bridge is a custom-made replacement tooth or teeth that fill the space where one or more teeth are missing. The bridge restores your bite and helps keep the natural shape of your face.

When to opt for a dental bridge?

Bridges are fixed prosthetic replacements and are made in situations when the patient suffers from one or more missing teeth but at the same time has several teeth which can be carriers and support the entire bridge. The most important thing is to restore the teeth of the masticatory unit (second premolar, first and second molar) because, due to their structure, they can withstand maximum chewing pressure. Losing these teeth causes the most serious functional, and thereby aesthetic problems. By creating dental bridges our staff at the Cukon Dental Clinic can resolve both problems with excellent results.

What material is used to make dental bridges?

Same way different materials are used to make dental crowns, they can also be used to make dental bridges.

Dental bridges in metal ceramics

In this case, ceramics are bonded to a metal base. This is the commonly used method of teeth restoration. The reasons are:

  • reasonable price;
  • excellent strength and durability properties;
  • aesthetic impact.

Dental bridges in zirconia

Zirconia bridges guarantee high resistance and aesthetic impact.
In fact, zirconia has several advantages such as:

  • high mechanical strength and it can withstand high occlusal forces;
  • biocompatibility;
  • highly esthetic appearance and transparency, as a result, teeth look like natural teeth.

Which type of bridges is the best choice?

The decision between ceramics on metal and zirconia is primarily made by considering the needs and characteristics of the patient.
In fact, zirconia dental bridges can be a good solution in cases where:

  • natural teeth that should act as dental bridge carriers have fillings or are damaged;
  • the carriers have enough stability to withstand occlusal forces;
  • there is not enough bone in the jaw to insert a dental implant and the patient does not want to proceed with the bone regeneration procedures;
  • the patient does not want implant surgery;
  • the general health conditions of the patient reduce the chance of successful osseointegration of dental implants.

Denture maintenance

To ensure the durability of dentures, maintenance after surgery is very important. Once applied and permanently fixed, the dental bridge must be treated with appropriate oral hygiene. The patient must practice proper brushing every day:

  • use appropriate toothbrushes;
  • rinse with mouthwash;
  • use floss or interdental brush after brushing.