Dental veneers

Dental veneers correct aesthetic defects, such as gaps between teeth, small fractures, stains, or holes caused by periodontitis.

Application of the dental veneers

The application of dental veneers is minimally invasive because the tooth is minimally sanded and it maintains its natural resistance. When it is not necessary to cover the entire surface of the tooth, but only a part or to reconstruct a piece of a fractured tooth, it is possible to make partial restorations. In this case, small ceramic fragments get cemented without grinding the entire teeth but only the surface with suitable adhesives. This technique is usually called “no-prep” and does not affect or interfere with the health of periodontal tissue.

Ideal candidates for dental veneers

The application of dental veneers is ideal for patients with:

  • aesthetic imperfections;
  • small fractures;
  • stains on teeth (pigmentation);
  • enamel defects;
  • dental irregularities;
  • damaged teeth;
  • dental malformations.

Who are the patients who are interested in dental veneers?

Dental veneers are picked by patients with a strong aesthetic sense. They have very clear ideas about the shape, color, and other aesthetic details they want to have. These are the patients who want to have aesthetically perfect teet made in a short period of time.

Difference between dental veneers and dental crowns

Both solutions cover the surface of the teeth. We can say that the final result is similar to an aesthetic point of view. However, these two interventions are completely different and the reasons are:

  • the veneer application requires grinding only the surface of the tooth, while the crown requires complete grinding;
  • it is not necessary to devitalize the tooth to apply dental veneers like it often happens in the case of crown application;
  • the application of dental veneers is less invasive than the application of dental crowns.
crowns dental veneers in croatia

Materials used

The material which is usually used for making dental veneers is ceramic although the dentist can use resin-based composite as well. The composite is a paste that adheres naturally to the tooth and gets shaped easily. It is used to reduce the space between the teeth and in cases where we do not want to grind the entire surface of the tooth.

Resin-based composite veneers are aesthetically less convincing than ceramic ones and last about 5 years. Therefore they are also a lot cheaper.

The advantages of these dental prostheses

  • whiteness and transparency;
  • firmness;
  • non-invasive application;
  • high aesthetics and quality.

Maintenance of dental veneers

Two or three days after the application, the patient can continue with normal oral hygiene. We advise the use of a quality toothbrush, followed by flossing or interdental brushing and regular cleaning by the dentist. This way the veneers will last longer and maintain their aesthetics.