Aging of the skin

Internal aging is actually the biological (chronological) aging of skin cells and is strongly influenced by genes and hormones. External aging of the skin is stimulated by the action of environmental factors: primarily the action of UV rays, smoking, eating habits, lifestyle.

Facial skin aging is especially caused because of the modern and lazy lifestyle. Presence of the chronic fatigue can leave visible marks on the skin and we should pay attention. We shouldn’t avoid regular physical activity.

At our Clinic you can find a young and relaxed skin thanks to the treatments of aesthetic medicine that we propose!

skin aging phases

Causes of skin aging

If you notice wrinkles around your eyes or mouth, you need to consider and evaluate how your lifestyle affects the appearance of the wrinkles by the following factors:

Main causes of aging

  • Repetition of facial expressions
    Repetition of certain facial expressions causes wrinkles and lines, especially on the forehead, around the mouth, and eyes.
  • Sleeping mode
    If your face is pressed against the pillow every night, you have an increased risk of developing wrinkles and lines on that side of the face.
  • Exposure to solarium and sun
    Frequent visits to the solarium significantly increase the development of wrinkles and aging. The sun creates wrinkles and redness of the skin, capillaries, and pigmentation. The skin becomes severely damaged and thinned.
  • Smoking
    In addition to facial expressions, smokers have wrinkles and bad skin tone at a younger age than non-smokers.
  • L'alimentazione
    Gli alimenti grassi stimolano anche lo sviluppo dei coaguli dei vasi sanguigni e l'aterosclerosi. L'assunzione di zucchero, inoltre, tipico delle donne, favorisce l'invecchiamento del viso. Lo zucchero si lega alle proteine e indebolisce la loro struttura e funzione. Il che accelera in modo significativo l'invecchiamento e lo sviluppo delle rughe.
causes of skin aging

Other causes of aging

  • Weak immune system
    If your immune system is weakened and not strong enough to defend you, your skin becomes pale, loses tone, and you are more sensitive to sun damage.
  • Alcohol
    It dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow making the skin red.
  • Low temperatures
    Cold wind and low temperatures remove the skin’s natural protectors, making it more vulnerable, sensitive, and dry. As a result, tiny wrinkles and lines develop. The skin looks lifeless and of poorer quality.
  • Lack of physical activity
    Poor circulation means reduced elimination of toxins from the body. Keeping muscles in shape is one of the basic measures of an antiaging program.
  • Stress
    Stress destroys collagen and elastin fibers, causing the skin to become thin, wrinkled, and with a slower ability to heal.

Thirds of the face

A desire for physical beauty was always present in human nature, especially for the aesthetic symmetry of the face.

When using aesthetic medicine to slow down facial aging, first we must identify and locate the area that needs rejuvenation. To facilitate the orientation on the face, it was arbitrarily decided to divide the face into 3 parts of the same width.

  • The first third or upper third of the face, covers the area from the trachea to the glabella.
  • The second third or middle third is located between the glabella and the subnasal point.
  • The lower third is located in the part from the subnasal to the chin.
facial symmetry

Upper third of the face (trichion – glabella)

Aging of the upper third of the face is characterized by the lack of the amount of tissue in the forehead, eyebrows, upper limbs, and blind spots.

Aging of the subcutaneous tissue in the forehead area gives the illusion of nasal dilation due to an increase in the angle between the forehead and the nose. Eyebrow removal and loss of skin elasticity lead to "relaxation" of the upper eyelids.

Middle third of the face

The middle third of the face starts from the ground point of the glabella and extends to the subnasal point. In this part, the most important is the position of the fat pad that defines the roundness of the cheeks, and thus the profile of the youthful face marked by the bulge. The fatty pad covers the cheekbone and the outside of the cheek. As it ages, the fat pad slides forward and down and leads to a further deepening of the nasolabial fold, leaving behind the wrinkle where the cheek once was.

The ideal angle between the tip of the nose and the upper lip is 90-120 degrees.

Loose skin under the lower eyelid leads to the protrusion of fatty tissue and the eye cavity. This creates the eyelid sacs and emphasizes the area around the tear duct.

Likewise, the circular eye muscle comes into very close contact with a thin skin of poor elasticity causing dark "circles" around the eyes.

Lack of subcutaneous adipose tissue and hyperfunction of the circular muscles of the eye form the wrinkles on the eyeball, around the outer corner of the eye in the form of crow’s footprints. The nasal cartilage weakens, causes the nasal tip to sag, and the angle between the nasal tip and the upper lip decreases.

Lower third of the face (subnasal part – chin)

The lower third of the face extends between the imaginary points of the nose and chin.

As the lower part of the face ages, the volume of adipose tissue increases due to the lowering of the cheeks and eyelids. The alveolar bone weakens, the bite falls and wrinkles intensify, starting from the corner of the mouth and are going towards the edge of the lower jaw, while the chin begins to protrude excessively. The mandibular line is lost from the profile and drooping cheeks begin to form due to loss of skin elasticity and loss of strength of the main masticatory muscle ligament. Chewing bags or drooping cheeks give the expression of a sad, loose "hanging" face.

Bumps of fatty tissue in the chin region lead to further loss of the angle between the neck and lower jaw causing the appearance of the so-called turkey neck.

The circular lip muscle and its hyperfunction, combined with the loss of elasticity of the surrounding supporting tissues, increasingly emphasizes wrinkles around the lips, twisting the corner of the mouth ( young people have the corner of the mouth turned up, but aging turns it down and gives the impression of a depressed or sad face), and wrinkles that extend from the corner of the mouth along the chin (marionette line) and give a sad facial expression.